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Steps we always take for our new patients

History Taking

The history taking process consists of a series of questions that will help to reveal valuable background information about your health and lifestyle. You may be asked to provide information on your past medical history, family medical history, current medical conditions and any treatment that you have already received. The process generally takes 5-10 minutes, and is completed just before your physical examination.


Physical Examination

The examination will consist of an assessment of various aspects of your health including blood pressure, posture, gait (walking pattern), range of motion, muscular and neurological functioning, as well as the movement and integrity of the joints of your spine and extremities.


Report of Findings

A Report of Findings will be presented where you will be informed of the examination findings, diagnosis, recommended treatment plan, goals, prognosis, risks and benefits to treatment, as well as alternative treatment options.


Diagnostic Studies

At times, further information is required and you may be referred for advanced diagnostic studies, such as radiographs (X-rays), in addition to other studies. While some patients receive treatment during their first visit, others are referred for diagnostic studies or are advised to follow up with their family physician and begin treatment during the following visit.


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